
Music is a vital part of worship in the Methodist church.  We are blessed to have three talented and dedicated people guiding our Music Worship.

              Kevin Lufkin, our pianist and keyboardist, plays a wide variety of music that serves as an important part of worship. He also serves as accompanist for both the band and choir.

              John Lundeen leads the Praise Band that sings on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.

              Russ Smith is Choir Director and leads the Chancel Choir that plays on the first and third Sundays of the month.

The Praise Band is a smaller choir open to both singers and instrumentalists. We practice two Wednesday nights per month and sing the second and fourth Sunday of the month. Our music choices come from the hymnal, the radio, singer recommendations, and a briefcase full of songbooks. We chat/plan/exchange greetings via text.

The Chancel Choir of First United Methodist of Golden is currently a group of about 20 adult singers that sing for the worship service on the first and third Sundays of each month and about one half of the fifth Sundays.  Younger singers are welcome to sing with us if they wish.  When we return to two worship services on Sunday mornings, we are likely to sing for the 10:00 am service every Sunday (except the Sunday after Christmas) from the Sunday after Labor Day until the Sunday before Memorial Day.  We sing a variety of traditional and contemporary worship music with some classical historic music each year.   We also sing for Ash Wednesday, at least one service during Holy Week, a Hallelujah plus an anthem for Easter, Christmas Eve Service.  If there are other added services during the year, we usually sing.  We rehearse every Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm for less than 90 minutes in the sanctuary.  If you’re interested, you can call Russ Smith (720-331-1884) or join us to sing and just see how we work at a Wednesday rehearsal.  We don’t require professional level singers, just folks who enjoy singing and would like to improve their talents using them for worship.

If you are interested in our chancel choir or joining the praise band (they would love a guitar or bass!)  email with your name and contact information and one of the directors will contact you.