At the present time, Sunday School is offered every Sunday for children ages 3-12. Children come to church with their families and experience the welcome, hymns, and the pastor’s children sermon before they are welcomed by the teacher and taken to the Sunday School room located off the narthex.
Our main goal is to show children they are loved by God. We do this by accepting, nurturing and showing love for them.
This year we will use the curriculum, Big Faith, which helps children grow a faith as big as their imagination. Through timeless Bible stories, hands-on-activities, and child-friendly themes, the Big Faith curriculum offers faith-formation experiences that are tangible, applicable, and meaningful to children’s everyday lives.
Our Staff have background checks and follow safe sanctuary procedures.

Did you miss the Chime Choir – Suzuki Chimes when the children played? Watch for further notices of practice and presentation occasionally during the year!