Sign up for facebook on your Mobile Phone Number with the facebook app
Before we get started you will need to have your mobile phone that can receive text messages and an account for the App Store (iPhone) or Play Store (Google or Android Phone)
1. On your Mobile Device (Phone, iPad or Tablet) open up the App store or the Google Play store
2. In the Store Search type in Facebook and search
3. Install the app and Open the App
4. Once the App opens Select “Create New Facebook Account”
5. Select Next on the Join Facebook page
6. Type in your First Name & Last Name and Select Next
7. Select your Birthday (Don’t worry facebook does not show anyone the year 😊) and Select Next
8. Select your Gender and Select Next
9. Type in a mobile phone number and Select Next
- Must be a Cell Phone that can get text messages no Landlines
- Type in 10 digits only no spaces or dashes
10. Type is a password that you will use to login to facebook (Make sure to write it down somewhere) and Select Next
11. Now you should be on the Finish Signing Up Page there are 2 options – Choose which ever one you want.
- Sign Up Button that will import all your contacts in to show you possible friends already on Facebook
- Sign up without uploading my contacts
12. Next there is an option to Save your Password – You may choose to save or not
13. A pop up will show your Phone Number and Password you will need to log in once you have it written down or memorized Select OK
14. Since you signed up with your Mobile device check your phone for a text message from facebook. There will be a code that you will need to type in to the facebook website.
15. Type in the code from your text message and click Confirm
16. A new screen is displayed to Save Your Login Info – Choose OK or Not Now
17. A pop up will ask to Allow Facebook access to your location, you Should Select Allow on the Facebook message and again on the message asking to allow Facebook to have permissions from your device.
- You will most likely have to select allow 2 times on 2 messages
18. Touch the Magnify Glass on the top of the page, and search for First United Methodist Church of Golden select search on your phone keyboard (magnify glass or return)
19. You will see a few results show up Just click on the one for First United Methodist Church of Golden showing the Address of 1500 Ford St.
20. Scroll Down on the page and look for the Videos
- There will be videos that were recorded earlier that you can watch
- On Sunday for the 10 AM service you can find the video that shows LIVE and watch the service live on Sundays.