Zoom Tutorial Computer

Join with a computer

1. Open your Browser and type in Zoom.us and Press Enter

2. Click on the Join a Meeting Link

3. Enter the Meeting ID that was provided and Click Join

4. If this is the 1st time using Zoom on your computer you will need to click on download & run Zoom

5. The Application will automatically install on your computer after you click on Run

6. Once installed a window will open and ask for your Name Enter your First and Last name and select Join Meeting

7. If you have a web Camera on your computer a window with a camera preview will be displayed and you can choose to join with or without video

8. Another window will open Select Join with Computer Audio

9. You are now in the meeting

  • Look on the Bottom Left of the window and Locate the Mute and Start/Stop Video
  • Selecting Mute will put a Red Line through the Microphone and you will be muted or other people on the Meeting will not be able to hear you
  • Selecting Start Stop video will turn your computer camera on and off. A red line through the camera means the Video is off

10. When others join the meeting you will see more squares added for each person who has joined.